About Me
Hello! My name is Denise Lowe and I want to welcome you to my site. I am a writer and an advocate for various causes we have experienced.
Bloggy Subjects
One cause is Ovarian Cancer. I was diagnosed with a Stage Three Germ Cell Cancer in 2008. I had been bugging about it for two years or more and was told it was all in my head.
Dyslexia is also something I may talk about because my daughter has it.
I will also blog about Domestic Violence, Trauma, Depression and Anxiety as well as Chronic Pain. Believe it or not, they are all related!
About Me
I have three children, one son-in-law and two grandchildren. We also have three cats, two ferrets and two guinea pigs. I enjoy, reading, writing, gardening and creating graphics.
I have written one book specifically for my grandson called "Miles' Great Train Adventure" and I hope to publish some more for him.
Two of my children and I live in Lancaster County, and I work as a server in a nursing home.
My favorite color is teal, but I also like blue, green, eggplant and purple.
Ham Loaf and Chicken -n- Waffles are my favorite entrees and my favorite dessert is Cheesecake.