Letter From an Introvert
Dear World,
I am an introvert. You may not see me, but I see you. I am the wallflower at the edge of an event. Quiet, by nature, I don’t have a lot to say. To me, sometimes speaking is pointless…. and sometimes a real struggle to find something of value to say. Often, it’s frustrating because I know you aren’t really listening to me, but I want you to know something.
I see YOU. Since interaction is minimal, I get a chance to notice things that others do not see.
Family Tension
A woman arrived late with her family to an event hurrying into a row of seats. Her cheeks were tear-stained, and she made no eye contact with anyone. She attempted to hide the tears, but I saw them anyway as well the stiffness between she and her husband.
They had an argument before they came in. How I wanted to go over and give her a hug. I think she would have liked it…. but I was afraid.
There was a family entering a store and, while the children quickly scattered, the father marched in with an air of self-importance. His wife followed behind in his shadows, shoulders bent, and she had a haggard look of exhaustion.
I saw her shrink in fear when he turned to address her, cowering in his presence. I recognized the signs of abuse as she quickly and quietly did as she was ordered.
A Heartbroken Spirit
A woman entered a church service and, as she stood to sing about hope and victory through God, she would wipe away the tears that formed without much effort. She possessed a heartbroken spirit, and I could almost feel her pain. I wished I had a tissue to hand to her. I prayed that God would heal her heart and soothe her pain.
An Exhausted Grandmother
A grandmother maneuvered through a Five and Dime with two grandchildren in tow. The children were demanding and attempting to go their own way while she kept reining them back in. Her look of exhaustion intermixed with her look of frustration, and I wondered how many other times she was forced responsibility of her grandchildren.
I saw her cart quickly filling with items that the children insisted they must have and she counted her money with a strained face putting an item aside that I knew was meant for her with a resigned look. I wondered how many other necessary items she was forced to give up.
A husband and wife sat together in church when they suddenly realized this was Child Dedication Sunday. The husband quickly looked to her with concern as the realization of what was happening was dawning on her. I saw the look of panic and despair as she quickly exited her seat and almost ran to escape the room. There was hurt and brokenness on his face as he quickly gathered their things to follow her.
An Elderly Woman
There was an older woman in the nursing home spending yet another day without visitors. She stared across the room to another woman being fed by a nurse. I saw the depression and loneliness and the fear of an uncertain and yet certain future. There was anguish at her lack of control and being unable to stop what was happening to her. A tear slowly drifted down her cheek.
I am the introvert. No one notices me or my joy or pain, but I see you. I see your loneliness, see your hurt, and feel your pain. I quietly pray for God to help you through whatever trial you may be experiencing.
I am the introvert and while you think that I am just there in the shadows …. existing…. I am watching, observing, feeling, appraising, understanding….
….and I see your trials and your joy.
And if I can see you, rest assured, my friend, that God can see you as well and he is much more understanding than I. He loves you and his heart grieves when our hearts hurt. Take your troubles to Him and He will hold you in His arms. Take comfort in the fact that God sees You.