21 Signs of PTSD
Have you ever noticed when someone has been through trauma that they become a different person? Have you ever been through an experience or event that changed how you feel about yourself? This is because of a phenomenon called Trauma. …
What is Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
PTSD is a severe reaction to a horrifying event, such as abuse, an accident, a rape but it is usually referred to in conjunction with prisoners of war. If your symptoms last at least five weeks, the disorder is referred to as Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Victims of abuse usually fall in the latter category. For them, CPTSD is the not-so-sweet icing on the much less than tasty cake.
10 Risk Factors of CPTSD That You Need to Know
What are some risk factors of CPTSD? First, we need to examine what risk factors and traumatic events are. A risk factor is something that increases the risk of something happening. For example, a risk factor for breast cancer is heredity or previous cancer.